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701kW Installation in Toronto, Ontario

701kW Installation in Toronto, Ontario

Location: Toronto, Ontario

Building: Food processing and warehousing plant

PV Array: 701.8 kWp Suntech 275W at 20° tilt

Inverter(s): 500kW Solaron

Mount: NorthGrid Elevated Truss System (ETS)

Commissioned: Summer 2012

O&M: M3 contract with NorthGrid Solar

88 kWp Student Residence

88 kWp Student Residence

88 kWp Student Residence

Location: Hamilton, Ontario

Building: 9 story LEED Platinum student residence

PV Array: 88 kWp Suntech 285W at 20/30° tilt

Inverter(s): 100 kW Satcon Solstice Inverter

Mount: NorthGrid Elevated Truss System (ETS) and custom NorthGrid sloped mount

Commissioned: 2011

O&M: M3 contract with NorthGrid Solar